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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Haruhi Second Series Airs in April

According to the latest commercial for anime rag Newtype, which had previously announced its announcement, the new TV series of the Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi will begin airing in April.

Fans are in shock, and are understandably having trouble accepting this news, but it seems genuine enough.

As you can see from the caps shown, the CM, voiced by Aya Hirano herself, introduced numerous images of the issue, showing off Haruhi related interviews and the like.

This CM has been confirmed by a number of viewers.

Iit is difficult to interpret such unambiguous wording as anything but a rather anti-climactic revelation regarding the release date for this incredibly highly anticipated title.

We will know more on the magazine’s release, by the 10th of February at the latest, but in the mean time it appears the prayers of Haruhi fans have finally been answered?