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Sunday, February 08, 2009

GN-008 Seravee Gundam

Successor to the GN-005 Gundam Virtue that carries over the heavy armament concept and the TRANS-AM System. It has the same four cannons as the Virtue but skinnier, two cannons are placed at the knees andtwo on the back of the unit, and a pair of GN-Bazookas. They can also be attached onto the two cannons at the back which can then fire a charged high-density, compressed blast known as "Buster Cannon". The combined form of the GN-Bazookas is called "Double Bazooka", and can also switch to Burst mode to fire a more powerful shot. If it is fired together with the four cannons it is known as "Hyper Bazooka". Attaching the Double Bazooka onto the right cannon at the back will form the "Double Bazooka Cannon", while switching to Burst mode will become "Double Bazooka Buster Cannon". It is also equipped with a pair of GN-Beam sabers which are attached to the wrists of the unit. The two knee-mounted cannons and the two shoulder cannons hide a pair of hands, which can be equipped with beam sabers. There is a torso-sized head that resembles a Gundam's on the back of the Seravee, it is a GN Particle emitter and rear view camera, which generates GN Fields when the V-fins split to expose the eyes (known as Face Burst mode), which is actually the Seraphim Gundam. The GN Field produced by it can also be used to focus a powerful cohesive blast, using the four smaller cannons, at the front. While TRANS-AM is activated, the GN-Particle output is increased to thrice its normal amount. The Seravee is also equipped with the "Seraphim System" which is actually the torso-sized head and shoulder cannons of the Seravee, which separates from the main unit and transforms, becoming the GN-009 Seraphim Gundam. Whether it can perform the same feat without TRANS-AM is unknown. The name of this unit could be derived from "Seraphim", an angel with six wings, possibly as a reference to its six arms and GN-Beam sabers.