This is about youtube and their words, they rejected my self made fan video of bleach After Dark アフターダーク, in my new account in youtube name: Schiffer1a1, since then I only upload all my self made videos. Below is my work in veoh:
This is what I wrote to
Original Message Follows:------------------------
From: alvin lee
Subject: Rejected (copyright infringement)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:42:09 +0000
Hi, I am using the user name : schicffer1a1 at youtube. My video: After Dark アフターダーク , was taken away due to Rejected (copyright infringement). However, I believe the content was not, it was a mix video of MTV, opening themes, and also song that I add together to create the video as a fan-made. I was not convince about the video taken away, could be review it again and give me a answer, whether this self production video should not be made.
Thanks, alvin.
This is what they answer me:
Dear alvin,
Recording a television show, sporting event, or concert on your videorecorder doesn't necessarily mean that you own all necessary rights inthat video to upload it to our site. This is true even if the event orshow you record is open to the public. For example, you may be able tovideo tape a professional sporting event, but the league or owner of theprofessional event is generally allowed to control who captures images ofthat event and how they are distributed, including digital recordings andphotographs. Similarly, video taping a concert of your favorite band does not necessarily give you the right to reproduce and distribute the videoimages of the band or the music captured in that video without permissionfrom the music publisher (who represents the song writer). Often times,these videos were captured against the rules of the venue or sportingarena in which the event took place, and someone specifically owns theexclusive right to distribute video of that event and/or the accompanyingaudio track.
The phrase "derivative works" refers to creations such as remixes, whereyou might take images or sound from a recording and edit it into somethingnew. Although the new video is your own creation, the images and soundyou've used still belong to someone else. It doesn't matter if yourecorded it for free from television, purchased a DVD, or recorded ityourself at an event-- you still need permission from the copyrightholder(s) of the material you drew upon to make your new creation. It may seem confusing that you could record something yourself and stillnot own the rights to it, but this is the way US law is written.
Please refer to our "Copyright Tips" at where we've provided someguidelines and links to help you determine whether your video infringessomeone else's copyright.
If you have any questions about the rules to which you agreed when youbecame a member of YouTube, please refer to our Terms of Use located at
Sincerely, Megan The YouTube Team
After seeing this! I believe most fan made videos, remixs, or self creation was a total "illegal" for us anime fans or seeker who view people works. There are even people whose anime works are better than mine, and their creative cannot be shown, then what is the use for youtube showing our work in the first place then?!
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